Posts Tagged 'Weight training'

Myths and facts about weight loss – the current thinking

As you may have guessed from the phrase “the current thinking”, this stuff is subject to change.  Much like diets, the actual testing of exercise routines is based far more on “personal experience”, than science.  Even when science gets involved, it gets difficult to find a series of studies that support one thing or another, repeatedly. People basically cherry pick the study that suits their inclination and use that, to the exclusion of anything that refutes that study. I read everything and I try just about everything!

Two years ago, we released our wonderful book, The Immortality Edge.   In that book, we spent a lot of time detailing the effects of interval training and EPOC (excess post exercise oxygen consumption or calorie burn). Interval training, invented back in the 1930’s, enjoyed a significant resurgence and became the routine of the day, in many lay press publications as well.

While I stand by what we said in the book – interval training is the MOST EFFICIENT use of one’s time in exercise – it appears that the whole EPOC equation may have been way overblown, in terms of actual extra calorie burn. This has not stopped the big guns of the MD internet marketing, from launching books, courses and entire web sites devoted to this form of exercise. Not to worry though, it still has huge metabolic and health benefits.

But before we launch into that, let’s look at what else has had its day in the sun.  Basically, that is weight training and “cardio” also known as Aerobics or LSD (long slow distance at low to moderate intensity).

For a while, weight training also enjoyed a heyday, with muscle mags and fitness rags touting its benefits as a primary weight loss tool.  The main reason for the attention was, the “fat burns in the muscle” concept, and of course that it was good for business! The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn when you are at rest or exercising.  Once again, it sounds simple, but it appears the estimates of just how much more fat you burn were grossly exaggerated. Add to that, most hard core weight lifters also set aside days for “cardio”, purely for the health benefits.

Perhaps the longest reigning champion of fitness and weight loss was aerobics, defined as any exercise that gets your heart rate into the 65 to 72% range of your maximum and keeps it there for a minimum of 30 minutes.  Notably, most cardio routines are 60 minutes to give you the extra calorie burn.

Now comes the fun part. What is real and what isn’t, what should you do, and what has been my personal experience after 25 years of medical practice and a certificate as a personal trainer?

Here it is:

1)      Interval type training is the most efficient use of your time.  If you only have 30 minutes a day, this is what you should do.  But, you can’t do it every day or you’ll burn out fast! In addition, I have seen far more disabling injuries from high intensity interval training, especially in middle aged people who are not starting out in good shape.  The safest way to do it is deep water sprinting with a flotation vest.  This is the lowest impact and should spare your joints as well as giving you some of the much touted “Michael Phelps Effect” e.g. you burn more calories in water because you lose calories as body heat, in addition to your exercise.

2)      That said, I have never personally had any success losing weight and inches with ONLY this type of training, unless I do it in circuit fashion with minimal rest (30 to 60 seconds) in between and do it for a full hour.  This is a real grind and here you are again with a one hour time commitment, at least 2-3 times a week, so in many ways it defeats the purpose.

3)      As far as EPOC is concerned, I only ever documented it using a Bodygem device, while taking my Ultra Strength Fat Furnace.  In this case, I was able to show 300 to 500 calories extra fat burn per day, but again much of this could have been from the supplement, not the exercise-induced EPOC.

4)      Weight training or some type of strength training is essential.  It could be with bands, body weight or weights, but in terms of safety and portability I love bands.  That said, I still do traditional weight lifting 2x a week for an hour. For many, it was a huge disappointment to see the lack of calorie burn from extra muscle. Estimates of hundreds of calories a day, for 10 pounds of muscle gain, appear to be completely unfounded. That said, there are all kinds of hormonal reasons why progressive resistance exercise is essential to your health, hormones and metabolism.  The other thing is, it’s probably the ONLY way to preserve fat free mass, while you are losing weight. In other words, it’s the only way to ensure you don’t become what I called “skinny fat”, in my emails a decade ago.

On a personal note, this type of training is also the only way I have personally been able to get the last few pounds off!

5)      Long slow distance aerobics or cardio, seems to be making a return as the best way to burn calories, now that we know that there is no free lunch with exercise. In other words, you still burn the bulk of your calories while you exercise, not while you recover. As you know, I am a sometime ultra runner.  Spending hours in the woods and dales and mud bogs running and struggling, burns a huge amount of calories. But few have, or are even willing to commit the time investment. The other thing, and this is a personal observation, is this kind of exercise tends to create a mountainous appetite when it exceeds one hour in duration.

6)      The fact that it often takes more than an hour of this type of exercise to really burn a significant amount of calories and it is not a free pass to eat whatever you want, led to the misconception best stated as follows.

“For years we have been telling people to exercise like this and all those years we have been watching them get fatter and fatter! So, it must be wrong!”

Um, what you put in your mouth still counts, people!

Confusing, isn’t it!  Actually, no! Where the confusion comes in is when we try to “mix metaphors” by losing sight of our goals.  As the title of this blog implies, the goal is weight loss and if you keep that in mind, the path becomes clear.

The first 6 to 12 weeks of any weight loss program should be spent in circuit training that uses body weight, iron weights, bands, etc in an interval fashion — 30 reps, 1 minute, whatever way you want to define the endpoint, followed by a similar rest period.  You should be breathless most of the time you are exercising and partially recovered when you are in between your sets. You should do this for 1 hour 2 to 3 times a week. You should feel exhausted and unable to think about any other form of exercise when you are done. As you progress through the weeks, you will notice just how fast you get into shape and how much harder you are capable of working out.  And of course, your body will change!

The main caveats are: don’t work out so hard you hurt yourself or cannot get “up” for the next session, and you still have to reduce your calorie intake.  That, my friend, is the hard part.  That is why I make all those supplements!


P.S.  No matter how many times I say it, someone always writes in and says “you neglected to mention the benefits of my favorite exercise”!  The above is not necessarily the best lifelong exercise plan, it may not have the most health benefits and it may not make you look ripped and shredded! But based on the current literature and my considerable experience, it is the most effective at weight loss.  For the best “anti-aging” effects, keep in mind a program that addresses our weaknesses as we age, such as loss of power and strength, is very important, and we should try to use all of our muscle fibers, fast, slow and medium twitch.

Fat Loss – All It Takes is a Short Bit of Time and a Small Amount of Effort and Away You go Onto a New Body and New You.

Have you ever noticed how so many words get attached to fat loss that come and go?

Acai berry fat loss, cleansing fat loss, yoga fat loss, growth hormone fat loss, HCG and fat loss and so on and so forth.

Most of them come and go because they don’t work, at least for fat loss and taking inches off.

Let’s take a closer look at the 5 above.

Has the Acai berry ever been proven to do anything at all with body weight or fat? Nope, nothing at all — not one thing. Acai is a decent if not fabulous antioxidant and a great way to flavor chocolate and boost its antioxidant power but by itself it has no fat loss powers at all.

Cleansing and fat loss.  Well I guess we need to define what cleansing means.  Cleansing in the broadest sense means getting rid
of toxins that might be stored or accumulated in areas of your body.

Now it’s a natural leap to go from fat loss and the release of stored toxins, but the truth is that unless your fat loss is extremely rapid and the toxins extremely toxic you are not going to have much of a problem.  And detoxifying will only help you lose weight permanently if it follows the 300 to 500 calorie rule and does not invoke the starvation reflex that slows down your metabolism.

Jump to HCG and you’ll see the same thing.  The very low calorie
diets are the reason people temporarily lose weight with the
homeopathic doses of HCG they are generally given.  Once the
starvation reflex kicks in, the weight loss stops and it’s game over. You can’t fool Mother Nature.  Anyone who tells you they lost and kept off a ton of weight with this diet plan is doing something else in addition.

Yoga and fat loss.  Not being a Yoga expert, I am not the most
highly qualified person to comment on this but I will say this
much.  It has to depend on what kind and how much or how long you
do the Yoga and of course what you do in addition.  Still, as a non
sectarian spiritual practice, Yoga scores much better than other
similar activities for weight loss.

HGH or human growth hormone.  There is no doubt you can lose weight and gain muscle mass with HGH use.  But I can tell you this is
quite limited.  HGH is much better used for athletic recovery and
maintaining a youthful hormone balance than as a solo agent for fat
loss.  It’s also expensive, basically illegal and requires shots.

You are far better served using my Ultra Stength Fat Furnace that has none
of the HGH side effects and won’t land you and your doc in jail or
in the hospital!

Finally, a reminder… If you are serious about weight loss but do
really need guidance and help here is where you should go Fabulous
Fat Burning for Everyone.  This program has helped thousands of
people lose weight fast and there is nothing else to buy because
every thing you need is in the package.

All it takes is a short bit of time and a small amount of effort
and away you go onto a new body and new you.


Saturday Special Event 18% Off Sale

Dr. Dave’s Best 36 Hour 18% Off Sale
Offer expires Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 12:00 Noon EST
By the time you read this there is a very good chance that I will be somewhere in the midst of an almost 80 mile run through the Canadian Rockies called aptly “The Canadian Death Race”
Billed as North America’s toughest race this run has humbled more than a few people in the past including me although I did mange to finish it in 2008.
In the past we created a complicated donation structure rewarding people according to how much they donated.
This got very cumbersome and left some people who did not want to donate out in the cold.
So this year I am doing it differently and much simpler
I am simply having a 36 hours 18% off everything we make sale event. ( Note this does not include products made by other people or companies and sold on our site!)
When it’s done I will donate as much as I can from the proceeds to our charity and then from there onto the IM ABLE foundation.
So it’s up to you to help me.
I am out there putting this body heart and soul on the lien to raise awareness of a couple of things:
1)  Anyone can help and make a difference
2) Keeping people moving even disabled kids and others is very worthwhile and impacts their life in a hugely positive way
3) At over 50 years of age I do not consider myself old.  As a matter of fact because of what I make and do for myself and you, we are both growing younger.  I am out to prove it and help people in the process. In other words I am putting my money where my mouth is in a big way! Lets see the other docs on the internet try this!!!
When you buy something on sale in the next 36 hours (Sale ends Sunday August 1 at 12 noon EST) a portion of the proceeds will go to the above charity.
I am willing to stand up for what I believe and help people.  Please help me do that and help yourself to some huge savings in the process.  I will make sure I get a pic of me giving a check to the IM ABLE folks so you know your donation got where it’s supposed to.
I am not trying to save the world just make it younger and healthier.  Please help and stock up on what you need!
PS some things will be out of stock before the sale ends so its first come first served and if we get too low on stock I reserve the right to end the sale early although its going to be pretty hard from a mountain top in Western Canada!

Click here for Dr. Dave’s Best 36 Hour 18% Off Sale
Offer expires Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 12:00 Noon EST
Note this does not include products made by other people or companies and sold on our site

My TV Made Me Fat

Well I am at it again to answer a real and important question. Does TV watching really make you fat?

It turns out that there is a direct correlation between body fat and TV watching. As you might guess there are also less direct correlations with diabetes and other illnesses.

Still since we have the choice to hit the “off” button, we can’t really blame the TV.

What can be said for those of you who like conspiracy theories is that the “powers that be” are hard at work figuring out how to manipulate human behavior.

Examples include increased “food and eating” programming among commercials during peak TV hours. And on a more sinister note, a huge (at least 50% increases) in what most of us would call junk food-based commercials aimed directly at young children. There has also been a big increase in the general programming aimed at young children. Continue reading ‘My TV Made Me Fat’

This year’s model

Well it’s been a long, long time so I will try to keep it succinct.

Back in late March, when I had the luxury of writing about sneakers and strength training, I was doing very well with my training indeed!

I had gotten to marathon distance on the trails and was on a perfect schedule.

But like every April before this one, this April became my nemesis.

To recap, in April of 2008, I was put out of action for 4 weeks with rip-roaring bilateral Achilles and bilabials anterior tendonitis.

In other words both the front and back of my lower legs were -unctional.

Bad biomechanics!

I got past that just in time to run and finish 2008’s Canadian Death Race as you see on the pictures here on the site of me crossing the line just over 24 hours after the start.

Last April I got either Pertussis or swine flu, no one is sure but I had respiratory problems for months past the race. Race day 2009 was a disaster, which I won’t recap but suffice it to say I had no business being there and had to quit at 30 miles.

OK, now in 2010 I’m doing great, right!?

Well I instructed at Greta Blackburn’s Fitcamp in Cancun in late April.

Greta, for those of you who don’t know, is the originator of the Fitness Boot Camp concept and has been doing them for 25+ years — long before most of the current crop of instructors were even out of grade school!

This one was special and you can read about it at but the theme was anti-aging and fitness and we had top people there including yours truly, Dr Joe Mercola, Phil Campbell the godfather of modern sprint and interval training, Bill Andrews discoverer of the human telomerase (longevity gene) and Marjorie Brook AIS guru to name just some of the presenters.

Greta is also one of my co-authors of our upcoming book, “The Immortality Edge” due out in January 2011, published by Wiley and Sons.

Anyway, I did what I always do, led a pack of fit younger people on some very cool but tough “fun runs”. Only 3 miles but chock full of sprints, band work, body weight exercises; these are monster workouts and everyone loves them including me!

But it had been a while since I had done this much speed work in such a short period of time.

Superimposed on top of my distance training it led to a devastating injury in the last 10 yards of the last sprint on the last day of the camp.

It felt like I actually slipped on something with my right foot and it seemed like the right leg went far out behind me.

The ensuing pop, pop, pop in both groins and below my belly button and the immediate seizing up of my movement told me immediately I had done some serious damage.

The words are “sports hernia” but it’s not a hernia at all. As a matter of fact, it has nothing to do with the inguinal canal or the gut like a real hernia does.

My MRI said it best: torn adductors from the right hip to the pubic bone, torn rectus abdominis off the symphysis pubis (the top of the pubic bone) and more of the same on the left side.

Grade 1 is the simple groin pull.

Grade 2, which I had, is fluid inflammation and partial tears: minimum 4 weeks to heal and often months.

Grade 3 is a complete tear and surgery is usually required.

I did see a surgeon but no one in my area was interested in even coming close to operating on this as much due to their own inexperience with the problems as the actual protocol for taking care of it.

I very quickly became aware of the absolute lack of information and consistency of what was available. Everyone had different opinions on how long it would take to get better and how to treat it. I can never pick anything simple!

So I rested, hit the Airdyne, stretched and strengthened.

Long story short, I did a 40 mile run in late June and had a great CDR prep camp last week.

So in spite of my nasty injury and some residual pain I am off to Grande Cache in 2 weeks to run my third Canadian Death Race.

Wish me luck!!

P.S. Greta will be hosting another monster fitness and longevity event in November at her home base in Malibu California and again in Cancun at the beautiful Ceiba del Mar on the Mayan Riviera. I plan on being at both of them so come see us and let us teach you how not to get hurt, how to live long and healthy and to be in top shape!

Pharmaceutical Grade Life Extension and Anti-Aging Supplements

Pharmaceutical Grade Life Extension and Anti-Aging Supplements

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